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How to Keep Your Blog Reading Audience

Traffic FlowThe hardest part about maintaining a successful blog is not only attracting new readership, but keeping your loyal readers entertained and thus, keeping your readers coming back to your blog.  Below are some helpful tips to keep your blog fresh and exciting, so your loyal readers will return for years to come.

Write Both Short & Long Content

There are many types of readers out there and your blog needs to have content that caters to all of them.  A wide variety of relevant articles within your niche is important to your blog’s success, but the type of content can be broken down into two types of content.  They are:

Long Content

A successful blog has long, stock articles that are the meat and potatoes of your blog.  These articles are extremely in depth and offer a high value to the reader.  These articles tend to be useful for a long time and are the foundations of your blog.  These articles may be tutorials, reviews, case studies, and interviews.  The single drawback to these articles is that they require a significant amount of time and effort to write, and frequency is also very important as well quality.

Short Content

Short content articles are the key to maintaining your blog’s article flow.  This type of article takes less time to write and guarantees fresh content at a steady pace to keep your readers coming back.  These articles may be newsflashes, articles within a post series, commentaries, videos, and slideshows.  The drawback to these articles is they may have a short article life.

Link Internally Whenever Possible

The second most important thing other than attracting new visitors to your blog, is keeping them on your blog as long as possible.  You want them to explore, and see everything you and by extension your blog has to offer.  Internal linking within your blog is the best way to do this.  Usually internal links are strategically located as an expanded explanation of the current topic you are discussing like a “Read More” option within an article.  If done correctly, you can keep readers article surfing for hours.

Use Widgets

To optimize keeping readers on your blog, make sure to utilize the “Recent Posts”, “Most Popular”, and the “Related Articles” widgets within your blog.  Their clickthrough rates may not be as high as the relevant internal linking mentioned above, but these widgets still help to keep the traffic flowing.

Using these tactics will help keep your readers coming back for more.  Do not overlook the fact that quality content reigns supreme in the blogging world.  The delicate balance between frequency and quality rests in your hands.

If you find that you have all of these measures in place, but don’t have any visitors to your blog, check out Driving Traffic to Your Website or Blog for Free for a strategy on how to get more traffic to your website.


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