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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Google+ Launches Brand Pages for Businesses

Google PlusToday, November 7, 2011 Google has announced that they have launched their version of the Facebook Fanpage called Google+ Pages.  The new Google+ pages look very similar to Google+ Profiles, except for a little icon that designates that it’s a Page rather than a Profile.

So far Google+ has focused on connecting people with other people. But we want to make sure you can build relationships with all the things you care about—from local businesses to global brands—so today we’re rolling out Google+ Pages worldwide,” Says Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Google. Continue reading

Ways to Secure and Protect Your Online Reputation

Locked SecureIn this day and age, most people have an “online reputation”.  This reputation is based on online profiles, tagged photos, Blog Comments, Articles, Reviews, and many other sources.  Managing your online reputation is crucial when it comes to future employment, partnerships, or any other social aspect of your life.

Everybody is watching!  Protecting your online reputation is crucial at this time in our world.  Have no fear; there are some things you can do to make sure your online reputation remains untarnished, and even some things you can do to fix a blemish if it has occured. Continue reading

Preparing for Joomla! 2.5 – Coming January 2012

Joomla 2.5The votes are in! As of August 09, 2011, the Joomla! community voted the next version number to be 2.5, instead of 1.8.   Calling the January 2012 release of Joomla! version 1.8 would have continued on after the currently available 1.6 and 1.7 releases, but the x.5 (meaning long term release) won out in the end.

With January coming fast, the big question that are making companies and their webmasters nervous is whether or not they need to upgrade their current installation to the latest Joomla! version.  In a previous article titled “What’s New in Joomla! 1.7 And Should You Upgrade” I discussed why you should or should not upgrade to Joomla! 1.7, and found the answer to be:  yes.  However, there are some things to consider before upgrading to Joomla! 2.5 in January. Continue reading

Gmail for iPad and iPhone Just Released

Gmail now available at the iTunes App Store!Hot on the heels of Facebook releasing their app for the iPad and iPhone, Google announced today, November 02, 2011, that they have finally released their Gmail application for the iPad, iPhone, and the iPod Touch.

“We’ve combined your favorite features from the Gmail mobile web app and iOS into one app so you can be more productive on the go.  It’s designed to be fast, efficient and take full advantage of the touchscreen and notification capabilities of your device.”

With that in mind, there are some key features included in the Gmail application: Continue reading

How to Make Your WordPress Blog’s Comments Section More Appealing to the Commenter

Comment LoveDid you know that by default, your WordPress blog has the rel=”nofollow” attribute enabled by default?  This means that anybody who comments on your blog will not receive a backlink from your website.  It takes time and effort to provide an insightful comment, and many people who comment  hope that your blog will in return provide a backlink to their blog for their efforts.

Have no fear!  There are many plug-ins available to spruce up your comments section.  The plug-ins suggested below will add a lot of functionality beyond the WordPress basic comments feature, and entice your readers to actually leave comments, rather than just read and move on. Continue reading


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