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WordPress Permalink: How to Change the Title Attribute

WP Logo PermalinksPerforming SEO on a WordPress powered website is not without its complications. Dynamically  generated content is great for easy publishing while maintaining uniformity, but when it comes to SEO each page should be optimized separately, which can be difficult.

There are a lot of SEO WordPress plug-ins that will make it easy to configure almost everything required to perform the onsite tasks for SEO, but one thing that seems to be left by the wayside is the ability to modify the “title” attribute from “Permanent Link to (page title)” to something more optimized for your website. Continue reading

Common SEO Mistakes Still Being Made in 2011

Common SEO MistakesThere are so many websites today on the internet, with many SEO experts vying for the top ten spots in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!  Even with that said, there are even more websites all over the internet with little or no SEO at all.  Still, the worst thing that happens and is constantly ruining reputations of reputable SEO companies are these self-proclaimed “SEO Experts”. These are the companies taking people’s money and doing all the wrong things as a futile attempt to provide optimization in a very competitive market.

For this reason alone, this article is written to point out the common mistakes that are often made(still in today’s web) in hopes to educate companies on what they should not see when they are paying for proper SEO. Continue reading

Google+ Launches Brand Pages for Businesses

Google PlusToday, November 7, 2011 Google has announced that they have launched their version of the Facebook Fanpage called Google+ Pages.  The new Google+ pages look very similar to Google+ Profiles, except for a little icon that designates that it’s a Page rather than a Profile.

So far Google+ has focused on connecting people with other people. But we want to make sure you can build relationships with all the things you care about—from local businesses to global brands—so today we’re rolling out Google+ Pages worldwide,” Says Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Google. Continue reading

Ways to Secure and Protect Your Online Reputation

Locked SecureIn this day and age, most people have an “online reputation”.  This reputation is based on online profiles, tagged photos, Blog Comments, Articles, Reviews, and many other sources.  Managing your online reputation is crucial when it comes to future employment, partnerships, or any other social aspect of your life.

Everybody is watching!  Protecting your online reputation is crucial at this time in our world.  Have no fear; there are some things you can do to make sure your online reputation remains untarnished, and even some things you can do to fix a blemish if it has occured. Continue reading


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