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Social Networking

Top 5 Myths about Social Media

Social Media MythsSocial Media is today’s hottest form of inbound marketing.  Any business that wants to compete in today’s market needs to have a social media action plan to keep up with their competitors.  With everybody and their brother jumping on the social media bandwagon, there are 5 myths that need to be put to rest.  These are:

If I build it, they will come…

Every internet marketer out there wishes that this was the case, but in actuality, this is not the case!  Constant promotion on your social media platforms targeted towards your target audience is required to build your brand on social media.  The key to social media is to provide quality content frequently to your followers, and more will come. Continue reading

Driving Traffic to Your Website or Blog for Free

Driving Traffic to your website!Driving traffic to your website or blog is still the hardest part of making money online.  There are many factors to consider after you build the site, but also what tools you have integrated into your site as well.  The idea of driving traffic to your website, and not having the process cost you a cent has never been more achievable than it is right now!  So don’t wait! Follow these pieces of advice and start your marketing campaign today!

Social Media

Social Media is vitally important when it comes to driving traffic to your website.  There are several places that you absolutely must have a presence on the internet before you can even think of competing with today’s competition.  They breakdown into the 2 following groups: Social Networking & Social Bookmarking. Continue reading

Wanting Google+ Invites Causes People to Forget About Spammers

Stop SpamOver the past week, I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of people paste their email address all over the internet.  As a professional Web Designer that works with KMH Kreations, a company that understands privacy protection, this makes my stomach churn.  If you are reading this to find out how to get an invite, the click here to read the only safe, dependable way to get one.

What I can’t believe, is how all of the people have forgotten that spammers thrive on acquiring free contact information.  On a Google+ Fanpage (which doesn’t seem to be affiliated with Google), you can click on the comments of any post and see tons of people who have offered up their email addresses in hopes of receiving an invite.  This is just one example from thousands of web pages that have offered an invite, and have been flooded with addresses.

Come on people, you know better than this! Continue reading

What is Google+?

Google+ Vs FacebookThere is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Google+ is Google’s best hope to take on, if not eradicate Facebook from the face of the Earth.  Facebook was the first of the large social networks, and probably will be around for a long time.  However, that being said, Google+, Google’s new social network does offer some things that Facebook does not, even though Google+ looks like a clone copy of Facebook in Google clothing.  Perhaps having the two compete will be good for the end user, since one will have to outdo the other in order to keep the users?  We will have to wait and see. Continue reading


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