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Making Money at Blogging in 2011

Top 3 Affiliate AdvertisersSo you are interested in making money at blogging.  Be warned: this is not easy in the slightest.  As a matter of fact, any blogger will tell you it is extremely hard, and for a few hard-working, lucky people, an actual full time job.  Your first step through quality content, and proper syndication, is to attract visitors to your blog before you can even begin to think about making money.  If you have a good following, there are several ways to add revenue streams from blogging.  Perhaps some of these options will work for you. Continue reading

Basic Rules for Successful Bloggers

The Rules of BloggingIt seems that everyone these days has a blog, but there is a set of rules successful bloggers will follow for many reasons.  These rules help guide a writer to avoid disasters that may cause them to lose their reader base, and possibly even offend some readers.  Other rules are guidelines for good content, and good content keeps readers coming back for more.

Write What You Know

This will always be the first and foremost rule of blogging.  When it comes to getting traffic to your blog, there is not a faster way of attracting good, participating readers than by having insightful, specific content.  I myself have dedicated the last ten years of my life to Web Development, Social Media Management, Blogging, and technology.  That is my passion, and that is why any article you may read on this website will be on one of those topics.  What is your passion?  Finding your expertise and sticking to it when it comes to writing is the basic rule of blogging success. Share your expertise and readers will find you. Continue reading

The Benefits of Blogging for your Company Website

Blogging - Hard Work AheadIn this day and age, everybody seems to have a blog.  Whether people are posting their vacation photos or reporting the latest news, it seems the Internet is flooded with bloggers.  So a lot of companies with great products and services may ask themselves “what’s the point?”  The point is this: people are always looking for trustworthy, reliable sources of information.  The simple fact of the matter is whether you want your company to be the trusted authority in your field or your competitor.  Directly, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of money in blogging (at least for the average blogger), but when the trust is built, then people have your company’s name on their minds when it comes time to get some help. Continue reading


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