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What Does IPv6 Mean…

…in “Real People Terms”?

For most of us, we use the Internet and expect that what we are searching for or want to view will just appear.  Kind of like a REAL good magic trick.  We ask, and then we receive.  Well, on June 8, 2011, let’s hope that requests and responses flow just as normal as any day.

Wednesday, June 8 is the International IPv6 test day.  What does that mean for the majority of us?  In a perfect world, not much.  As long as everything goes smoothly, that is.  Basically, every computer, printer, internet website has some sort of address where it can be found.  And, unfortunately, the Internet neighborhood is running out of addresses.  However, the Internet Society (ISOC) has determined a more advanced (and dare I say) even more secure than the current IPv4 standard.  When/if the IPv6 is adopted as the industry standard, according to one source, there will be 240 trillion, trillion, trillion addresses available for the taking! Continue reading


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